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Town of Belville to Hold Groundbreaking for Expansion of Brunswick Riverwalk Park July 16

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Town of Belville to Hold Groundbreaking for Expansion of Brunswick Riverwalk Park July 16

Celebrates cooperation with NC Department of Transportation enabling the extension of the park’s boardwalk; 2400-foot addition will connect the park with future riverfront development and a new downtown Belville; First effort tied to Belville’s Vision 2030 Plan, which launched earlier this year.


Belville, NC, July 14, 2021:  The Town of Belville is proud to announce it will hold a groundbreaking ceremony at the NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Facility on Friday, July 16th to celebrate its cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation that will enable the expansion of the Brunswick Riverwalk Park. The accord will enable Belville to extend the park’s boardwalk more than a half-mile to the north to connect with future development and a new downtown Belville off of Old River Road.  The project is the first to be conducted as part of Belville’s Vision 2030 Plan.

Earlier this year, the Town of Belville started developing its Vision 2030 Plan to focus on creating mixed-use development that will serve as the heart of a new downtown.  After the Town developed its initial framework, Belville invited the public to provide its input and have it incorporated into the Plan. Hundreds of town and county residents submitted surveys and attended public sessions to supply essential guidance on what they would like to see in a future downtown Belville.  

The first piece of the Vision 2030 Plan is the extension of Brunswick Riverwalk Park. NCDOT’s investment provides the opportunity to lengthen the Riverwalk trail to the north toward US 74/76 and integrate it with other recreational components and a riverfront, mixed-use development to create a new and vibrant downtown Belville.

“Our alliance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation launches our work to turn the Vision 2030 Plan into reality,” said Mayor Mike Allen. “We thank NCDOT for recognizing how important their land was to our efforts and for enabling us to begin fulfilling our dream of creating a new downtown Belville.”

The groundbreaking for the extension will be held on Friday, July 16, 2021, at 1:00pm at the NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Facility located at 25 Old River Road in downtown Belville. 

For additional information, contact Athina Williams, Town Manager, at or 910-371-2456.  For additional information about the Vision 2030 Plan, please visit or contact Adrienne Harrington, Project Consultant, at or 910-431-0949.  

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Posted:  7-14-21

                Sharon A. Niemann, Town Clerk