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Weather News Release

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News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Athina Williams, Town Manager

Date: 1-20-22

Phone: (910)371-2456


TOWN OF BELVILLE – The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for Brunswick County, which includes the Town of Belville, beginning at midnight on January 21, 2022 until noon on January 22, 2022. Impacts of freezing rain and ice are expected to begin in our area Friday morning. An accumulation of ice combined with freezing temperatures will likely render road conditions very dangerous through Sunday morning. View the latest National Weather Service briefing here for more information.

Mayor Mike Allen and the Belville Board of Commissioners request that all residents and property owners begin to make preparations for possible power outages. “While the duration of this storm may be short, the impacts could be significant, so I encourage all residents to take precautions now. A combination of freezing temperatures and precipitation will create dangerous road conditions, so please plan to stay off the roads until they are safe to drive on, said Mayor Mike Allen.”

Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, so residents are encouraged to review their emergency plans and be prepared for winter weather. Here are a few tips to help you prepare

  • Have an emergency kit in case it’s needed that can last at least a week. It should include flashlights, batteries, bottled water, non-perishable foods, medicines, warm clothes, blankets, and a portable, battery-operated radio, TV or weather radio (make sure you receive weather alerts either on the radio or on your cell phone).
  • Keep cell phones, mobile devices and spare batteries charged in case your power goes out.
  • Don’t park cars under trees, as branches can easily break under the weight of ice.
  • Bring pets and animals inside, out of freezing weather, and make sure you have enough pet food and supplies for several days.
  • Avoid traveling during and after the storm until roadways have warmed and are clear of ice. Ice will make roads extremely dangerous, and motorists can cause additional strain on emergency responders.
  • If going outside, dress warmly in multiple layers of thin clothing instead of a single layer of thick clothing.
  • Never use a gas grill or burn charcoal indoors, and do not use unsafe heating devices indoors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • If using a generator due to a power outage, be sure to follow all proper safety procedures. Only operate a generator outdoors, and never in a garage or inside a building. View additional tips for preparing for power outages here.
  • If you feel your home is unsafe from the impacts of ice or you are concerned about the potential loss of power and special needs you may have, you are encouraged to seek out shelter with a family member or friend.

The Belville Town Hall will be closed on Friday, January 21st . The Brunswick Riverwalk at Belville will also be closed on Friday, January 21st and will remain closed until weather conditions improve and the public can safely use the amenities. Stay tuned to your local radio and televisions stations for additional information.