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2021 Fall Free Clean Up Week Tips

Brunswick County
Operation Services Department

Stephanie Lewis, Director

Construction & Grounds
Building Maintenance
Custodial Services

Solid Waste & Recycling
Mosquito & Water Management
Fleet Services

September 2, 2021

Re: 2021 Free Dump Week

The purpose of this letter is to provide detailed information regarding Brunswick County Landfill’s Free Clean Up Week. When bringing material to the landfill during Free Dump Week, we ask that you follow these simple steps when loading your vehicle or trailer before hauling it to the landfill.

We have many recycling programs available including, latex paint, batteries, fluorescent bulbs & CFL’s, shingles, appliances & metal, empty propane tanks, commingled recycling, cardboard, concrete/asphalt/brick, textiles, smoke detectors (radiation AM-214 only), used cooking oil, yard debris, motor oil, fuel, antifreeze, and electronics. All items should be separated and placed on the top of your load before entering the landfill.

Household hazardous waste collection is only on the third Thursday of each month from 9:00am until 12:00pm.

All other mixed loads and furniture can be disposed of in the open top trailers located at the top of the unloading ramp. You will be directed by the main gate attendant at the entrance of the landfill.

When you enter the Brunswick County Landfill, please have proof of residency or property ownership to show the gate attendant. This can be a driver’s license, identification card, water bill, tax bill, etc. All we ask is that the provided documentation validates that you are a Brunswick County resident or property owner. Customers with no proof of residency or property ownership will be denied entrance. Businesses and commercial vehicles will be charged normal tipping fees.

Free Week begins at 7:30am on Monday, September 13 th and ends at 3:00pm on Saturday, September 18 th. The landfill gate will be closed at 5:00pm Monday through Friday and 3:00pm on Saturday with no admittance beyond those times. If there is any question that you may not make it by 5:00pm, please reschedule your trip for the following day. After 3:00pm on Saturday, September 18 th, normal tipping charges will apply.

Please note: During the hours of 1pm-4pm, the landfill is very busy with GFL Environmental trash trucks coming in to dispose of material from the local trash routes as well as local contractors bringing in debris and other material. If you have to come to the landfill during these hours, please be patient as there will be a lot of traffic and you may experience a wait to unload your materials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Solid Waste Department at (910) 253-2520 or the Brunswick County Landfill at (910) 253-8101.


Micki Bozeman
Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator

PO Box 249 ● Bolivia, NC 28422 ● (910)253-2515 ●