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Public Notice – Phase II – Veg and CD Removal Bel 2022

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Public Notice – Town of Belville

The Town of Belville is currently accepting bids for the removal of Vegetative Debris and C&D (Construction and Demolition) Debris for the tropical, winter and nor’ eastern storm seasons through June 30, 2023. Bidders’ instructions and proposal forms may be obtained from the address below, or by contacting Ms. Athina Williams, Town Manager, at (910) 371-2456. Documents may also be downloaded from the Town of Belville’s website at Sealed bids should be addressed to:

                              Town of Belville
                              63 River Road
                              Belville, NC 28451
                ATTN: Town Manager
                             DEBRIS REMOVAL CONTRACT

Interested parties are encouraged to attend the Pre-bid Conference scheduled at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 in the Town Hall. Deadline for submittal of bids will be 1:00PM on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at which time the bid opening occurs.

The Town of Belville reserves the right to reject any or all project proposals.

Posted: 3-21-22
                Sharon Niemann, Town Clerk